Radiation complications in radiation therapy

Галченко Л. И. Radiation complications in radiation therapy : study guide for students / Л. И. Галченко, И. А. Павлюк. - Иркутск : ИГМУ, 2024. - 44 c. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Букап" : [сайт]. - URL : https://www.books-up.ru/en/book/radiation-complications-in-radiation-therapy-17607617/ (дата обращения: 18.02.2025). - Режим доступа : по подписке.
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The study guide describes the nature and features of the clinical manifestation of radiation complications, general and local radiation reactions, as well as early and late radiation injuries.
For the purpose of self-study, the study guide contains questions, clinical tasks, tests, as well as answers to them and a list of recommended literature.
The study guide is intended for foreign students, mastering educational program of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for studying «Oncology, radiation therapy» as an academic discipline.