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Clinical Pathophysiology of External Breathing

Большая медицинская библиотека
Clinical Pathophysiology of External Breathing = Клиническая патофизиология внешнего дыхания : Учебное пособие / Е. А. Чагина, Е. В. Маркелова, Е. П. Турмова и др. - Владивосток : Медицина ДВ, 2023. - 84 c. - ISBN 9785983012721. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Букап" : [сайт]. - URL : https://www.books-up.ru/en/book/clinical-pathophysiology-of-external-breathing-16617474/ (дата обращения: 26.10.2024). - Режим доступа : по подписке.
6 месяцев
12 месяцев
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The tutorial has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and modern programs in pathophysiology, clinical pathophysiology in strict adherence to the recommended competencies.

The tutorial discloses the reasons and mechanisms for development of various pathological processes in the external respiration system: the ventilation system dysfunctions and pulmonary circulation disorders (perfusion); impairments in the alveolar-capillary diffusion of gases, etiology and pathogenesis of respiratory insufficiency.

Modern informational resources have been used as a basis in this tutorial. The tutorial has been compiled for the discipline «Pathophysiology, Clinical Pathophysiology», following the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and is intended for students pursuing the General Medicine specialty programs.


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